Two Writing Teachers Podcast
Since 2007, Two Writing Teachers has been a vibrant community of reflective writers. We're excited to take our passion for teaching writing to new heights in the second season of our podcast. Join us as we explore ways to create, lead, and sustain joyful and productive writing workshops, empowering educators to help their students become competent, brave, and confident writers. Let's make writing instruction engaging and rewarding for everyone involved!
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Two Writing Teachers Podcast
An Overview of the Slice of Life Story Challenge: A Digging Deeper Dialogue
The 16th Annual Slice of Life Story Challenge, or SOLSC, will begin on Wednesday, March 1st, 2023 at Two Writing Teachers. Participants, who we call Slicers, chronicle moments by living a wide-awake life for 31 days in March. They publish their writing on their own blog, share a link to their story daily over at Two Writing Teachers, and then provide at least three other Slicers with comments on their blogs.
In today's pod, you'll learn more about the challenge and how you can join us so that you part of a global community of educators who write and share stories.
- Overview of the 16th Annual SOLSC
- Things to Think About When Creating a Blog for the SOLSC
- Tips to Help New Participants Hit the Ground Running in March
- FAQs about the SOLSC (Scroll down to the part of the page that says "Challenge #2.)
Please subscribe to our podcast and leave us ratings/reviews on your favorite listening platform.
You may contact us directly if you want us to consult with your school district.
- Melanie Meehan: meehanmelanie@gmail.com
- Stacey Shubitz: stacey@staceyshubitz.com
Email us at contact@twowritingteachers.org for affiliate or sponsorship opportunities.
For more about teaching writing, head to the Two Writing Teachers blog.